VLINE Defibrillator Installation

Some excited customers after receiving their defibrillator at regional VLine Train Stations. Just in time for Restart a Heart Day October 16th. The aim of #restartaheart is to improve survival statistics from 1 in 10 victims surviving Cardiac Arrest.

Cardiac arrest can occur without warning. It is triggered by an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). This malfunction can stop the heart from pumping blood around the body.

Performing CPR is extremely important in this situation by enabling blood to continue pumping to vital organs, such as the brain, before an ambulance arrives.

Learning to #restartaheart through these three simple steps could save the life of someone you know and love.

  1. Call– Call 000
  2. Push– Perform CPR on a unconscious victim who is not breathing properly
  3. Shock– The chance of survival doubles if someone is defibrillated before            paramedics arrive on scene.

Defib’s are readily available in shopping centres, airports, local businesses and many train stations.

If you have a defibrillator please register it with Ambulance Victoria here.  It could could save someone’s life.

Thinking of buying a defibrillator? Call us on 1300 136 158 to organise a demonstration or to discuss options. Don’t have the budget? Talk to us about a payment plan – Our aim is to have as many defibs available for use in the general public.

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