Personal Mobile First Aid Kit
Perfect for personal use, This Mobile First Aid Kit is a Compact great for use in low-risk workplaces to treat minor injuries. Contains Quality first aid items (149 pieces)
Includes Antiseptics, shaped wound dressings, waste management as well as icepacks, and burn first aid.
Call us for a full list of contents on 1300 136 158
Medical Solutionpersonal mobile first aid kit in a hands-free zipped pouch with a belt. Because it’s portable it is great in the home or whenever you’re out and about.
As well as being great for personal use, This Mobile First Aid Kit is a Compact great for use in low-risk workplaces to treat minor injuries.
It is suitable for use in the office, retail, light industry, vehicles, and any other low-risk workplaces.
This mobile first aid kit is Compliant Nationally with the Workplace Health & Safety Code of Practice for Low-Risk workplaces.
Quality first aid kit, made in Australia
Call us for a full list of contents on 1300 136 158