Your Most Important Home Possession – The First Aid Kit

In the home, dealing with scratches grazes, bites and bruises can keep parents with young children busy.
But would you know what to do when your child has a fall, or is burned, or suffers a seizure? When it comes to dealing with medical emergencies it’s best to have the right emergency items available in a first aid kit where most accidents happen: in the home.

What should I have in a first aid kit?

Your first aid kit should be designed to deal with all the minor emergencies and injuries that may occur in your home. Cuts and grazes are the most common, so adhesive dressings (Band-Aids) and antiseptic swabs/creams are obvious first aid supplies for your first aid kit. Bandages, gauze, and cold packs will help with bruised limbs and possibly-broken bones. A good thermometer is needed to help monitor before, during, and after treatment. Other items that may not spring to mind straight away include:
Nitrile Examination gloves (in case of latex allergies)
Adhesive tape
Non-adherent dressings
It’s also a good idea to have a first aid guide in the first aid kit, as well as a CPR guide – though hopefully, you’ll never need to use it.

How do I maintain my first aid kit?

There are a couple of things you should do to maintain your first aid kit to ensure it is always ready for use.
1. Periodically check through it to make sure everything is there that should be. It’s amazing how small items go missing, and when the family knows where there is a readily available pair of scissors… well, you know the end of that sentence! Keep a list of all first aid items in with your first aid kit, and check them off on a monthly basis.
2. Every time you use something, replace it!

3. Check for expiry dates, too. Many first aid supplies do not work after the expiry date or maybe no longer sterile.

4. Make time to review your first aid book. It’s surprising how quickly we forget what we thought we knew. Reminding yourself of the basics will help first aid come naturally when it’s most needed. Book in for a first aid course today if it’s been a while. HLTAID003 is the current workplace first aid qualification.

How to create and store your first aid kit?

Once you’ve decided exactly what you need in your first aid kit, you can create your own by buying all the items and storage box separately. To start shopping we have this handy Quick order Form

We can also supply a ready stocked home first aid kit, designed to contain everything you’ll need to treat common injuries around the home.

Check these options out :

* Small wall First Aid Kit

* Small Tacklebox First Aid Kit

* Handy Bag First Aid kit

Finally, always be prepared with first aid training and a fit-for-purpose first aid kit, stored in a cool, dry place and out of the reach of children.

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